Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Christ Killing Machine

God exists and is sovereign over all creation. He created human beings in His image. Human life is, therefore, sacred and the right to life is the most fundamental of political rights.
From Family Research Council Core Principles

I am too stunned almost to write. I am more saddened than anything I think. Just when I think I cannot possibly be surprised again by the evil in the world I always hear of another story to top the last. I hope this is not evidence of corrupting cynicism staking majority ground in my heart. Maybe Jesus wants us to keep being surprised so that we don't become complacent.

Maureen Dowd wrote an op-ed today in the New York Times about Blackwater USA, the mercenary organization who has successfully evaded the transparency they claim and has profited in the billions during the Iraq war. If there is any person who still does not see this war as an opium den for war profiteers then they are blinded by ignorance, their own inability or unwillingness to see the truth.

How is the Family Research Council (FRC), the well known, well funded, powerful Evangelical political entity linked to the killing machine Blackwater? Is it possible? Billionare, Erik Prince (CEO of Blackwater) is, remarkably (I don't think a fiction writer of horror novels could be so creative to come up with this!) , the son of one of the founders of FRC. Am I the only Christian who is grief stricken by this connection? I just keep hoping that the words the FRC, and Prince and the likes preach are the ones in their hearts, but I am most certain now that they are lost. Those who claim to know and love Christ through war and militrary supremacy are on the side of darkness. Christ brings light and love into the word, with evidence, not just with words! It is amazing how words, just those spoken and printed are taken as gospel, as truth when there is no action to support them as such.

Erik Prince will likely walk away from this war with more money to build his Nazi-like empire. Where are we heading? Will history books be talking about how at this very moment something should have been done to stop him? Amazingly, he walked right into this treasure trove because of his ties to the current Administration.

The FRC should have Prince's face plastered on their site as one of the greatest threats to the sanctity of life today. Why would they consider him a threat to their core principles though when he contributes so heavily to them? What else are we to think other than their proselytizing is composed purely of lies? When will our government (and the American people) begin to call it like it is and label Blackwater a killing machine, a privitized army, sanctioned by one of the country's most influential political movements crusading under the banner of Christ?

Wake Up.

God help us.


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